Advantages:- Natural Fibre Bonding
Processes developed by Zelfo Technology revitalise a wide range of cellulosic and ligno-cellulosic sources imparting new application capabilities to these materials. Essentially this gives value to sources that had little to no value, as well as encouraging the use of renewable and biodegradable materials as an alternative to plastic based solutions.
Current main applications are in Pulp Molding, in Paper & Packaging, and in Fibreboards

Technology:- Engineered Natural Fibres
We specialise in producing fibrillated macro (MaFC) micro (MFC) and nano (NFC) cellulose fibres, either as separate entities or in controlled mixtures. Zelfo Technology’s experience in these fields extends to sources from pre-processed and non-processed ligno-cellulosic fibres and we aim to generate the best performance properties from all constituent parts of the source material.
Engineered fibres perform as biobased binders, composites and absorbents etc.
The Z Factor:- Inner strength
ZT’s engineered fibres have a significantly longer main fibres than standard refined fibres, allowing a multiplication of the hydrogen bonds between the fibrils in the Z-axis.

This results in an increased inner strength, an improved crush resistance and can result in tensile strength improvement.
This Z factor allows us not only to upgrade cellulosic materials (market pulps and recycled sources) but also to a wide range of agro-materials.
Fibre Technology Development Services
Concept:- Tailor-made Client Innovations
Zelfo Technology specialises in IP co-development and IP licensing for 3rd Party product development and improvement.

Supported by various process and product patents and expansive know-how, new varieties of materials and composites are constantly emerging. The company works with clients and partners to bring industrialised fibre solutions to the market on a global scale.
Services:- Natural Fibre Engineering Centre
Zelfo Technology has established a Fibre Engineering Centre (FEC) a short distance from Berlin in Germany. This facility offers full fibre testing services in order to establish the suitability of engineered fibre for a client’s project and/or to assess defibrillation possibilities of any fibre type.
Technologies available include:-
Process based
· Fibre pre-processing reduction.
· Fibre and media intensive blending.
· Fibre processing using our specially modified screw processor.
· Fibre processing enhancement using separate ‘in line’ fed materials.
Sample testing
· Schopper-Riegler (SR) testing.
· Full analysis of sample characteristics.
· Composite consolidation at various degrees of pressure, temperature and fibre to supplementary medium percentages.
· Pilot board and panel production line.
· Hand sample production for rapid assessment of self-bonding etc.

Pre-Industry Level Production
Pre-industrial scale test quantities can be produced at our Fibre Engineering Centre.
Test quantities range from a minimum of 20kg to full industry quantities involving several 100Kg’s up to a pre-agreed tonnage as required by the client.
For details regarding technology related matters the FEC: Richard Hurding (richard.hurding(at)zelfo-technology.com)
New business based enquiries/booking of the FEC: Grégoire de Vilmorin (gregoire.devilmorin(at)zelfo-technology.com)
PLEASE NOTE: We only send samples of our material to potential COMMERCIAL partners.
The Circular Economy and Sustainability
Engineered Natural Fibres provide the potential to up-cycle fibre-based waste, which can then be recycled into new products, which, in turn are recyclable and biodegradable. The patented specially modified screw technology provides an energy and water-efficient processing method to transform fibre into a range of self-binding materials. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of these materials varies by application; however their source materials, production processes, composition and end-of-life disposal have a low carbon footprint and minimal environmental impact.
Engineered Natural Fibres have the potential to contribute to Green Building project certification (e.g. LEED or BREEAM) in the following categories: use of recycled materials; use of rapidly renewable materials; use of regional materials; and reduction of construction waste through recycling.
Further information contact: Grégoire de Vilmorin - New Business Director